Date of Award

Winter 2-1-2024

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Tyesha Maddox

Second Advisor

Caley Johnson, Ph.D.


This thesis examines the manifestation of neocolonialism in the Caribbean through the intersections of contemporary foreign investment and globalization. Historically, Western powers like the UK and the United States played a major role in shaping global power dynamics through colonialism. However, a shifting paradigm sees emerging nations from the East, notably China and Taiwan, exerting influence in the Western hemisphere and previously colonized regions like the Caribbean. Using qualitative comparisons and drawing from diverse sources, the study analyzes academic literature and reports from international organizations, critically evaluating theoretical frameworks in international relations and postcolonial studies. The research uncovers a pattern where globalization acts as an agent of neocolonialism, revealing intricate dynamics where economic interests intersect with geopolitical strategies, shaping the destinies of Caribbean nations. Beyond documenting current economic strategies, the study reveals enduring imprints of colonial histories resonating in the region's economic and social structures. The Caribbean, with its varied historical trajectories, political statuses, and economic landscapes, serves as an ideal arena for this inquiry. By shedding light on the intersections between foreign investments, globalization, and historical legacies, this thesis raises crucial questions for future examination. Contributing to ongoing dialogues about the impacts of foreign investment on identity, sovereignty, and geopolitics in the Caribbean, the study aims to enrich our understanding of the complex dynamics shaping the region's contemporary economic and political landscape.
