Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2024

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Christopher Toulouse, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Christopher Toulouse, Ph.D.


This project begins in January 2021 – a period henceforth known as ‘post-pandemic’ – following the release of the first COVID-19 vaccines in Europe (AstraZeneca) and the United States (Pfizer). While the pandemic is still ongoing as of December 2023, the release of vaccines heralded a new era more reminiscent of a time before March 2020: less (or no) mask mandates, a reduced emphasis on social distancing, and a positive shift in social opinion towards prophylactic vaccination. During my time as an American studying international politics, I have observed a positive correlation between time passed since January 2021 and the rise of ultraconservative far-right politics across the globe. Through the use of case studies, literature review, and further synthesis, I hope to illustrate the evolving dynamic of these two variables, and the subsequent dangers waiting in the shadows of the future as a result.
