Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2024

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Dr. Henry Schwalbenberg

Second Advisor

Christopher Toulouse, Ph.D.


This paper provides an overview of the conflict between the Philippines and China in the South China Sea, Philippine history following its liberation from Spain to its independence from America, and the continuing impacts of American imperialism on the modern day Philippines. While it is argued that American military intervention on behalf of the Philippines is necessary in order to protect its territories in the South China Sea, this would only strengthen its legacy of imperialism on the Philippines. By analyzing case studies of sexual assaults perpetrated by US troops, such as the Jennifer Laude case and the Subic rape case, as well as the phenomenon of brain drain resulting from American recruitment efforts, the paper provides warnings of what may follow increased blurring between the Philippine and American militaries. Through a critical lens, it explores the complex dynamics of power, sovereignty, and dependency that underlie the relationship between the two nations.

Included in

Asian History Commons
