Date of Award


Degree Type



This thesis is a study of the rebuilding of Newark Housing Authority structures in an area of the Central Ward bounded by Gergen Street, Springfield Avenue, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, and Avon Avenue. This half square mile area of study has a population of 8,584 and a population density of 17,527 per square mile. The area has a long a troubled history, beginning on the 1960s when revolt and then renewal began. This massive infusion of federal dollars failed to address the long-term needs of the residents and the maintenance of housing facilities. The result was the first wave of renewal projects largely being cleared and replaced in a period between 1994 and 2001. With hundreds of millions of dollars worth of redevelopment of this patch of city complete, the questions arises, is this any better or is it simply newer? This analysis includes extensive research about the history of the neighborhood, the thoughts of current residents, and ideas about building form the world's foremost urban theorists.
