"Singleton, David G." by Bronx African American History Project


African American Studies


David Singleton was born May 5th 1935 in mid Sacramento Valley. He was a student at the University of California, Berkeley. He applied and was accepted into Princeton Theological Seminary. While at Princeton, he served as a student in multi-racial situations in East Trenton and in West Philadelphia. He was eventually placed at Sound view Presbyterian Church in the Bronx in 1963 per the recommendation of a minister he had met while serving at Richard Memorial Presbyterian Church.

Singleton met Medgar Evers and participated in the civil rights movement in Birmingham Alabama. He had a few church connections there. He concedes that his interest in civil rights came from his parents. His mother was a teacher and his father was a county sheriff in Glen County, California.

While in the Bronx he coached youth basketball programs at the church. Those kids were of African American and Latino backgrounds and were also active in civil rights. He also worked on the Sound view Bruckner Community Development Corporation which dealt with issues of discrimination, housing, employments, as well as looking for government assistance to mediate those.

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