"Exploring Student Mental Health and Success in College" by Megan Callahan Sherman

Exploring Student Mental Health and Success in College

Megan Callahan Sherman, Fordham University


Colleges and universities in the United States do not sufficiently support students living with mental health issues. Historically, education systems have delegated responsibility for student mental wellness to community-based services and private practitioners. When campuses do offer psychological and behavioral supports, they are often short-term and narrow in focus. The lack of priority placed on student psychological, social, and emotional well-being has resulted in disproportionate college withdrawal rates for students living with mental health issues. To better serve these marginalized students, education systems should consider integrating more extensive mental health initiatives into the learning community. Only when programming geared toward mental wellness is woven into the daily operations of the college will the myriad of issues impacting the mental health of all students be addressed. This qualitative research study begins to identify the lived experiences and the personal and interpersonal dynamics of successful college students living with mental health issues. In adopting a perspective that acknowledges achievement, this exploratory research serves as a platform for future studies. This investigation also provides insight into the common factors that promote success in order to help shape intervention initiatives on college campuses for students living with mental health issues.

Subject Area

Mental health|Education

Recommended Citation

Sherman, Megan Callahan, "Exploring Student Mental Health and Success in College" (2017). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI10278112.
