"Principals' Perspectives of Teacher Hiring and Induction in All-Male P" by Mahaliel H. Bethea

Principals' Perspectives of Teacher Hiring and Induction in All-Male Public Schools

Mahaliel H. Bethea, Fordham University


The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study is to understand the sense-making of principals leading all-male public schools and their lived experiences in the hiring and induction of teachers, as well as their perspectives on their roles as social justice leaders. What are some of the challenges, frustrations, and lessons learned by these principals as they determine the various hiring and induction practices teachers need to go through to be best prepared to be effective educators in an all-male public school? Through analyzing the lived experiences of these principals, the researcher identified teacher hiring and teacher induction strategies that better prepare teachers to begin service in all-male public schools. The researcher also identified the impact of social justice driven mindsets on the development of hiring and induction practices. The study focused on nine current principals of all-male public schools in urban centers around the United States. The findings for practice focused on identified qualities and traits principals of all-male principal schools looked for during the hiring process, as well as methods they used to interview and induct teachers into their school communities. The findings also focused on examining these principals and their schools as organizations that contribute to the narrative of social justice.

Subject Area

Educational leadership|Education philosophy|Education

Recommended Citation

Bethea, Mahaliel H., "Principals' Perspectives of Teacher Hiring and Induction in All-Male Public Schools" (2020). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI27961174.
