Experiences Negotiating Racial and Ethnic Microaggressions as Underrepresented College Students Pursuing STEM

Christie-Belle Garcia, Fordham University


This study used qualitative constructivist grounded theory research methods to explore with focus groups of 16 racial/ethnic minority undergraduates underrepresented in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) their experiences of microaggressions, sense of belonging in STEM, and their strategies to negotiate these experiences. Participants shared striking examples of their experiences with subtle yet frequent racial/ethnic microaggressions, though often unintentional, that influenced their sense of belonging in college and STEM fields. They also shared examples of strategies that were most useful in navigating microaggressions and persisting in their STEM academic pursuits.

Subject Area

Ethnic studies|Higher education|Sociology

Recommended Citation

Garcia, Christie-Belle, "Experiences Negotiating Racial and Ethnic Microaggressions as Underrepresented College Students Pursuing STEM" (2021). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28257800.
