Agobard of Lyons and the Jews

John M Lomagno, Fordham University


The Assyrian and Babylonian deportations in the eighth and sixth centuries before Christ began the dispersion of Israel and Juda in the East. The "Zionist" movement of Ezra and others in the sixth and fifth centuries before Christ was far from general; "the great majority of the Jews remained behind "l in the East. Thence they moved west- ward in a broken crescendo of some fifteen centuries to be reversed eastward and partly westward again to the New World, like a surging wave at the mercy of mysterious winds, that hardly ever allowed it a moment's calm.

Subject Area

Middle Eastern history|History

Recommended Citation

Lomagno, John M, "Agobard of Lyons and the Jews" (1941). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28404223.
