A Synthesis and Presentation of Select Writings of Saint Augustine's De Civitate Dei

Charles B Murphy, Fordham University


To read Saint Augustine is to come to know him and to love him. That is the result of an acquaintance with his various works; it is true particularly with those who come to grasp the spirit of the De Civitate Dei. This work has aroused the curiosity and invited the scrutiny and study of many people and scholars in the course of years. It is impressive to observe the extent of the literature that is listed in bibliographies and in the catalogs of leading libraries, including the General Catalog and the National Catalog at the Library of Congress.

Subject Area

Philosophy|Religion|Medieval literature

Recommended Citation

Murphy, Charles B, "A Synthesis and Presentation of Select Writings of Saint Augustine's De Civitate Dei" (1956). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28622568.
