Investigation of the Foveal Luminosity Curves of Deuteranomalous Subjects when Employing Critical Flicker Frequency

Rudolph A Eckhardt, Fordham University


Ever since the experimental verification and conse- quent acceptance of the wave theory of light in the latter part of the nineteenth century, investigators have continued to add to man's knowledge of the mechanisms and processes underlying vision. Despite great strides, how- ever, a number of visual phenomena which are basic to every man's perception of the world have failed to be explained in a manner which would entail general accept- ance. One such phenomenon is color vision: What mechanisms and processes account for seeing a multiplicity of colors?

Subject Area

Psychology|Physiological psychology

Recommended Citation

Eckhardt, Rudolph A, "Investigation of the Foveal Luminosity Curves of Deuteranomalous Subjects when Employing Critical Flicker Frequency" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28622587.
