Reliability of Scoring the Originality of Line Drawing Subtest of the Fundamental Abilities of Visual Arts Test

Joseph A O'Neill, Fordham University


CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONReliability and Scorer ReliabilityThe reliability of a measuring device refers to the consistency with which it yields scores or measures of the same phenomena. When changes in the variable being measured are the only factors that are represented by changes in the scores then the measuring device is a reliable one. When factors other than changes in the variable being measured influence the score there is a lack of reliability. Errors of measurement have partially determined the final score and it is important to assess the extent of their influence so that an attempt can be made to mitigate their effect or take it into account when interpreting results. These errors of measurement have their origin in several sources: the test itself, the testing situation, the scoring procedure and the characteristics of the individual being tested

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Recommended Citation

O'Neill, Joseph A, "Reliability of Scoring the Originality of Line Drawing Subtest of the Fundamental Abilities of Visual Arts Test" (1958). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28673282.
