Scores of SAT-V and Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes as Predictors of Achievement in a College for Women

Mary Martha Feeney, Fordham University


CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONInadequate academic achievement presents a continuing problem to higher level education administration, for the condition indicates a considerable waste in the educative process and implies personal inconvenience or at least temporary maladjustment to those who have experienced scholastic failure. To meet this situation, researchers are continually pursuing analyses of the conditions conducive to academic success and are seeking more accurate indices of prediction. The intensive survey and measurement of those factors relative to college achievement have contributed to a more satisfactory selection of qualified students. Beyond this it has proved valuable to collegiate officials concerned with the survival of students already admitted to the institution. It is to this latter problem that an increasing amount of attention is being given. Because of the unique and specific characteristics of the many undergraduate institutions, there is a demonstrated need for further research of the conditions peculiar to each.

Subject Area

Educational psychology|Design

Recommended Citation

Feeney, Mary Martha, "Scores of SAT-V and Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes as Predictors of Achievement in a College for Women" (1958). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28673283.
