The Relationship Between the Intensity of Pre-Adapting Light and the Time of Appearance of the Rod-Cone Break in the Parafovea of the Human Eye

Robert S Kennedy, Fordham University


Chapter IINTRODUCTIONAfter pre-exposure to a bright light the eye recovers sensitivity in a way which may be graphically represented by plotting time in minutes against the log of the intensity of the stimulus light. The resultant curve is usually known as a dark adaptation curve (13). The shape of this curve, in addition to being dependent on the sensitivity of the eye, is also dependent on other variables. These variables may be classified under two general headings: variations in pre-exposure light, and variations in test light. The present experiment concerned itself with a subdivision of the former, viz., different intensities of pre-adaptlng light.

Subject Area

Cognitive psychology

Recommended Citation

Kennedy, Robert S, "The Relationship Between the Intensity of Pre-Adapting Light and the Time of Appearance of the Rod-Cone Break in the Parafovea of the Human Eye" (1959). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28673301.
