Aspects of the Personality of Lope De Vega as Revealed in His Lyric Poetry

Dolores Marie O'Brien, Fordham University


CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONLyric Poetry in Spain before Lope de VegaSpain in the latter half of the sixteenth century had shown to the world a brilliant countenance. The more pronounced features were political eminence, domestic solidarity and prodigious literary output. This last was like a swift flowing river, into which ran the clear and limpid stream of poetry, the broad and slower moving course of prose and the quick and sparkling current of national drama.The renown of lope Félix ue Vega Carpio as founder of the national theater in Spain is widely recognised. So well known and appreciated are his many plays that very often his contribution to the lyric poetry of the seventeenth century is overlooked. It is the purpose of this study to scrutinize rather closely the lyric content of his work. It is intended through this investigation of his treatment of themes in this particular genre to shed more light on his complex person. However, a full appreciation and understanding of his lyrical output necessitates a retrospective glance at the latter half of the sixteenth century where we may view his predecessors of pre-eminence.

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Recommended Citation

O'Brien, Dolores Marie, "Aspects of the Personality of Lope De Vega as Revealed in His Lyric Poetry" (1959). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28673308.
