A Comparison of Autokinetic Movement With Traits of Introversion-Extraversion

John Walter Eberhard, Fordham University


There has been an increasing interest in ambiguous perceptual situations as related to personality and social factors. The foundation of this interest lies in the Gestalt concept of the interrelation of certain internal and external factors of organization in perceptual acts of an individual. The assumption of Freud (12) that memories of percepts influence the perception of contemporary stimuli gave impetus to the study of internal factors governing perception. Sargent (30) states that the study of personality differences indirectly through perception is in line with the global theories of personality from which the protective techniques have evolved. Use of unstructured symmetrical ink blots by Rorschach (29) In interpreting personality structure is an exemplification of this.

Subject Area

Personality psychology|Social research|Physiology

Recommended Citation

Eberhard, John Walter, "A Comparison of Autokinetic Movement With Traits of Introversion-Extraversion" (1958). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28673310.
