The Human Figure Drawing Test as an Objective Screening Aid for Recreation Workers

Robert R Barry, Fordham University


Since the late 19th century, drawings have been used, extensively as aids in gaining information about individuals. Procedures employed have ranged from spontaneous productions, through the drawing of specially designated objects, to the other extreme of direct copying of a sample. Goodenough and Harris (1950) have published a review of the literature on the subject of children’s drawings covering a period of 20 years, from 1929 through 1949. Anastasi and Foley (1940; 1941 a; 1941 b; 1941 o) have made a comprehensive survey of the literature on artistic behavior in the abnormal. Most of this literature deals with the art of adults.

Subject Area

Occupational psychology

Recommended Citation

Barry, Robert R, "The Human Figure Drawing Test as an Objective Screening Aid for Recreation Workers" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28673318.
