The Religious Ideas of the Romantic Author Juan Zorrilla De San Martin: A Comparative Study

Francis T Keenan, Fordham University


CHAPTER IJuan Zorrilla de San Martín Amid the Currents of South American LiteratureJuan Zorrilla de San Martín, 1854-1931, was a distinguished Uruguayan essayist, poet and statesman. He spent much of his life in the diplomatic service of his country. The years in which he was engaged in no diplomatic work he devoted to writing and to teaching at the University of Montevideo. His literary work includes a series of Conferencias, a type of essay, which treats of a variety of subjects from the author's ideas on education to his thoughts on democracy and patriotism. In his Libro de Ruth he exposes his manner of understanding history. The El sermón de la paz treats of war and the necessity of a real peace; Resonancias del camino is an epistolary collection of impressions received by the author while traveling through Europe. El huerto cerrado contains much material on the Holy Land, while the Detalles de historla discusses historical subjects often pertaining to the history of Uruguay. The Epopeya de Artigas is a very long work which contains the attempt of the author to immortalize the Uruguayan hero, José Artigas. In addition, there is the famous poem "Tabaré" which will be referred to frequently in this chapter. It is the masterpiece of the author. Also to be noted are "notas de un himno," "La leyenda patria" and "Poesías", These poetical works are expressions of the author's ideas on patriotism, sorrow, and religion. This comprises the literary effort of Juan Zorrilla de San Martín and will serve as background knowledge for the discussion of the place which this poet holds in the current of South American Literature.

Subject Area

Latin American literature|Spirituality|Religion

Recommended Citation

Keenan, Francis T, "The Religious Ideas of the Romantic Author Juan Zorrilla De San Martin: A Comparative Study" (1959). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28673335.
