Augustine the Stoic: An Examination of Man's Relation to God in the Philosophies of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius and Saint Augustine of Hippo

Grace M Natoli, Fordham University


Since the mind often functions best by contrast, the study of two philosophers who differ in their points of view can be very stimulating. New dimensions and depths are discovered as problems take on new aspects. But the purpose of this comparative study of Marcus Antoninus Aurelius and Augustine of Hippo is not merely to spur the intellect. It is to understand an important segment of the history of ideas.

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Recommended Citation

Natoli, Grace M, "Augustine the Stoic: An Examination of Man's Relation to God in the Philosophies of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius and Saint Augustine of Hippo" (1959). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28673336.
