The Effect of Commercial Names on Preference for Color

Richard T Day, Fordham University


CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONThe aesthetic value of color has received a generous portion of attention from experimental psychologists during the past half century. Eysenck (3) reports that over 50 such studies were recorded in the literature from the turn of the century up to 1940. These investigations can be divided into two groups (1) those which considered the establishment of a psychological color scale and inquired into its causal factors, and (2) those which considered the stability of this scale when variables other than color were functioning.COLOR PREFERNCE SCALEThe color preference scale has been considered from many viewpoints. Age, sex, and racial differences have been taken into account and an attempt has been made to evaluate the role of hue and saturation in such a scale.The results of the majority of investigations reveal a fairly stable pattern of preference. The results of four investigations are shown on table 1. Garth’s results (6) were secured form subjects of both sexes ranging in age from 11 to 21. Granger's findings (10) show the preference of male and female subjects from 19 to 36 years of age and indicate that short wave-lengths (the blues) are preferred over long ones (the reds). St. George (19) and Eysenck (3) also tested adult white populations of both sexes, the latter reporting a positive correlation of .95 between male and female preference.

Subject Area

Marketing|Experimental psychology

Recommended Citation

Day, Richard T, "The Effect of Commercial Names on Preference for Color" (1959). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28673353.
