Function of the Social Service Department at Misericordia Hospital in New York City

Marion Gertrude Mulligan, Fordham University


CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONWith the turn of the nineteenth century and the progress of this great era of social reform, one of the most important changes was the development of Social Service. This service spread to nearly every class of unfortunate which was in need of aid. One class, however, was neglected, namely that of the unwed mother. Perhaps because of the stigma cast upon this person, because of the antisocial nature of her actions, the girl was looked upon with antipathy. In the writer’s opinion, except for sporadic and well meant attempts, the unwed mother received little or no aid.The Sisters of Miséricorde recognised the need of giving help to the girl whose condition was often due to a moment’s blindness, to inno- cense, or misguided trust. With all their experiences, the Sisters realised the necessity of a comprehensive, regulated control of these girls. Naturally they turned to Social Service with its extensive experience along these lines. Applying past experience, the Social Service Department made great strides, by means of systematic checks on cases, in rebuilding the bodies, restoring the morals and revitalising their spiritual needs.

Subject Area

Social work|Spirituality

Recommended Citation

Mulligan, Marion Gertrude, "Function of the Social Service Department at Misericordia Hospital in New York City" (1935). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28673362.
