The Catholic Nobility and Gentry of the 18th Century England

Catharine E Murphy, Fordham University


The devotion of a group to a principle or cause may serve to insure the life of that principle or cause, though hope for its success may burn low at times, and may even threaten to be extinguished. The weak things of the world are frequently the means of confounding the strong; a future which seems to hold no promise may be brightened and become hopeful due to zealous efforts.Tm Catholic nobility and gentry of 18th century England, through their loyalty to the religion of their fathers, kept the faith alive and prepared the way for the 'Second Spring' of a later century. It was not so much by strokes of daring, though these, indeed played their role, but through the consistent and unflinching support of religion and its institutions that a new era was prepared.

Subject Area

Religious history

Recommended Citation

Murphy, Catharine E, "The Catholic Nobility and Gentry of the 18th Century England" (1937). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28927845.
