Telepathic Phenomena and "Extra Sensory" Perception: Some Evidence for Mental Telepathy

Raymond C Strassburger, Fordham University


"Your Mind an Open Book to Boy Wizard, Six". This startling challenge to the privacy of consciousness was called to the attention of the public by a featured article appearing in a recent issue of a popular New York City journal. 1 The substance of this news bulletin was that Jackie Merkle, aged six, and one of the most amazing mind readers of all times, by means of a psychological impulse" was able to lay bare the secrets of our minds.

Subject Area

Psychology|Experimental psychology

Recommended Citation

Strassburger, Raymond C, "Telepathic Phenomena and "Extra Sensory" Perception: Some Evidence for Mental Telepathy" (1936). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28927893.
