Communism: The United Front in America

Gertrude L Finnegan, Fordham University


It is the ultimate aim of the Communist International to replace the capitalist system by a system of world communism. This clear statement of policy on the part of the Communist Party makes it evident that today as always the ultimate objective of the Communist Party is the complete overthrow of modern capitalism. The end, then, is the same, but the means of attaining that end have changed. The Communist Party, realizing that "no organization can live and grow unless it links itself up with the mass movement and with the problems of the masses, giving them a solution", has put forward a new line of approach to the masses. This new policy is commonly known as the "United Front", and represents a complete about-face from the former policy of the party in America.

Subject Area

History|American history

Recommended Citation

Finnegan, Gertrude L, "Communism: The United Front in America" (1937). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28960334.
