Andre Maurois, Exponent of Romanticism: Biography

Andrew A Zaccagnino, Fordham University


One of the most striking features of modern literature is the unprecedented interest in personalities. Biography in any shape or form is avidly sought for by the modern man. As one author puts it: "Biography next to fiction is the kind of reading most people now like 1 best." The cinema, the stage and even the radio have been swept along with the current. We are told that in 1919, scarcely a year after the publication of Lytton Strachey's Eminent Victorians, which is generally considered as the beginning of the new trend, some colleges created a mild sensation in educational circles by establishing chairs 2 of biography. A glance at the literary sections of our newspapers and periodicals will reveal the fact that books dealing with biographical subjects are running a close race with fiction in popularity.

Subject Area

Biographies|French literature

Recommended Citation

Zaccagnino, Andrew A, "Andre Maurois, Exponent of Romanticism: Biography" (1938). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28960370.
