A Study of the Dirae and the Lydia

Mary F Murphy, Fordham University


The ancient commentators, Donatus and Servius, ascribe to Virgil certain poems among which are: Catalepton, Priapes, Epigrammata, Dirae, Ciris, Culex, Aetna, and Copa (the Copa is not in Donatus' list). These poems have been the subject of much discussion and dispute during the last few centuries. Their Virgilian authorship has been variously denied and affirmed by scholars. Some refuse to accept any of these works as Virgil's; others take the opposite view and can see no reason for rejecting any of them as un-Virgilian; there are those who are willing to admit that some, certainly not all, could be Virgil's.

Subject Area

Latin American literature|Literature

Recommended Citation

Murphy, Mary F, "A Study of the Dirae and the Lydia" (1935). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28960383.
