The Classical Erudition of Cola Di Rienzo

Paul Rifici, Fordham University


Throughout the Middle Ages Europeans had always retained some intellectual and cultural contact with the classical civilization of ancient Greece and Rome. They never ceased to regard the Greeks and Romans as their predecessors and forbears and as the first people who had been converted to Christianity. The ancient classical languages continued to be used in church services. Latin was used in the West and Greek in the East. Ancient architecture continued to serve as a model for the building of church edifices. Many a written word continued to survive and many stone monuments continued to stand as constant reminders to medieval Europeans of the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome.

Subject Area

Literature|Classical Studies|Italian literature

Recommended Citation

Rifici, Paul, "The Classical Erudition of Cola Di Rienzo" (1938). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI28960389.
