An Analysis of the Gross Emotional Maladjustments in the Parents of Ten Schizophrenic Boys and the Effect of These Maladjustments in the Development of the Psychosis in the Child

Eunice Rita Pavia, Fordham University


The body of the dissertation contains a short description of schizophrenia in order to furnish some basis on which to develop the material round in the case studies. The case studies themselves are presented briefly and each is followed by an evaluatory statement giving the interfamilial tensions as they relate to the psychic development of the parents and the patients, both in terms of the general debilitation of ego strengths and in terms of the reaction of the patient to some specific lack or pressure in the parents. There will be some further material on the sibling adjustments both in terms of their reaction to the personality difficulties of the parent, and their relationship to the patients.This material will be correlated in a final summation of the interfamilial relationships and will be followed by some thoughts for preventative social service planning and a general summary and conclusion.The material has been divided arbitrarily into three chapters dependent upon which parent is considered to have bad the most deleterious effect upon the child. This division bas been made for purely manipulative purposes.

Subject Area

Developmental psychology|Personality psychology|Clinical psychology|Individual & family studies|Social work

Recommended Citation

Pavia, Eunice Rita, "An Analysis of the Gross Emotional Maladjustments in the Parents of Ten Schizophrenic Boys and the Effect of These Maladjustments in the Development of the Psychosis in the Child" (1949). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI29281770.
