A Study of the Process Used in the Selection of Foster Home Applicants in New York State, 1900-1948

Eunice M Schillroth, Fordham University


In this dissertation the writer will attempt to set forth what appears necessary in the selection of the foster parents. Emphasis will be placed upon boarding home applicants in New York State from 1900-1948. The entire study will be based on research and on the result of the writer's three and a half years experience in the field of homefinding rather than on case material. This experience wag gained in working in two private child-caring agencies, one a Catholic agency and the other a non-sectarian agency.Although this dissertation is concerned chiefly with the selection of roster parents and with process used in the selection of the foster home applicant, the main focus is on the foster parents.What kind of people make good foster parents? What are the reasons foster parents give in order to board children? How can we evaluate their real reasons or motives? How are these people stimulated to make application to board children? What standards are necessary in the selection of a foster home? These are some of the questions this study hopes to answer in an effort to show the process used in the selection of the foster parent. The writer will point out how the home finder's insight into the applicant's character is an important part in the selection of the foster applicants.The procedure used in the mechanics of a home study will be discussed by the writer. It is true that agencies differ in their procedure in a home study but are in essential agreement regarding basic factors. Since the home study is the way in which we become acquainted with boarding home applicants the mechanics of the study are determined in the following steps: first interview, interviews in the boarding applicant's home, interviews with references and through the Social Service Exchange.The development of the homefinding department as a specialized district in a child-caring agency will be discussed. Reasons for and against centralization of a homefinding department will be considered.

Subject Area

Individual & family studies|Social work

Recommended Citation

Schillroth, Eunice M, "A Study of the Process Used in the Selection of Foster Home Applicants in New York State, 1900-1948" (1949). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI29281771.
