"The Psychocultural Approach in Social Casework as Shown in Ten Selecte" by Gilda Gloria Petraglia

The Psychocultural Approach in Social Casework as Shown in Ten Selected Cases

Gilda Gloria Petraglia, Fordham University


In this study the writer will attempt to show how the psychocultural approach is an integral part of casework. By the psychocultural approach she means the fusing of both the cultural and psychiatric understanding of an individual. The cultural viewpoint emphasizes the traditional patterns and characteristics of a particular group as seen in an individual. The psychiatric approach stresses the individual and how his personality is affected more usually through the parent-child relationship. For the purposes of this study, she will deal primarily with the parent-child relationship in both the cultural and psychiatric sense.

Subject Area

Clinical psychology|Individual & family studies|Social work

Recommended Citation

Petraglia, Gilda Gloria, "The Psychocultural Approach in Social Casework as Shown in Ten Selected Cases" (1949). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI29281827.
