"Social Group Work With Deprived People: A Study of Thirteen Deprived P" by James Patrick Fleming

Social Group Work With Deprived People: A Study of Thirteen Deprived People Who Participated in Two Groups Sponsored by the Family Service of Catholic Charities, Yonkers, New York, 1965

James Patrick Fleming, Fordham University


This study is concerned with thirteen adults, five men and eight women, who participated, in two groups which were part of the St. Peter's Head Start Program. The five men were members of the Head Start Neighborhood Association, while the women were involved in the Head Start Mothers' Club. The criteria involved in the selection of the thirteen members of the study group was based on two factors; that the member could be classified as deprived, and that the member had attended over half of the group meetings. This study covers a period of five months, from August to December 1965, the first five months of the existence of both of these groups.

Subject Area

Social work

Recommended Citation

Fleming, James Patrick, "Social Group Work With Deprived People: A Study of Thirteen Deprived People Who Participated in Two Groups Sponsored by the Family Service of Catholic Charities, Yonkers, New York, 1965" (1966). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI29281855.
