An Experimental Study of Comprehension and Rate in Silent Reading With an Accelerated 5A Class

Alice Gertrude Kirkpatrick, Fordham University


It is to be noted that the reader selected gave a median rate score for the average 5A class or 140. Since the New Experimental Group attained a median rate score that was 133.87 words per minute better than an average 5A class and the New Control Group attained a median seora that was 145.31 words per minute, better than an average 5 A class, it is believed that they showed superior ability in rate in silent reading.The results of this test would seem to indicate that it an accelerated 5A class is once thoroughly trained in proper principles of correct reading interpretation an improvement in rate will be attained which will not be of a transient nature, but permanent.

Subject Area

Educational tests & measurements|Educational evaluation|Educational psychology|Reading instruction

Recommended Citation

Kirkpatrick, Alice Gertrude, "An Experimental Study of Comprehension and Rate in Silent Reading With an Accelerated 5A Class" (1934). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI29282551.
