The Effects on Learning of Varying Degrees of Punishment

Agnes Colligan, Fordham University


The present investigation was undertaken to verify the findings of Tuckman on the effects of varied degrees of intensity of punishment on learning and also, to verify the findings of Lorge on intensified punishment.In this experiment a different kind of punishment was used, namely sound. Lorge used an electric shock to intensify punishment and Tuckman used the deprivation of one-, or two-, three-, or four-tenths of a cent.The investigator was also anxious to corroborate Dr. Thorndike's and Miss Crawford's ' work on the spread of the after-effects to surrounding punished connections.

Subject Area

Educational psychology

Recommended Citation

Colligan, Agnes, "The Effects on Learning of Varying Degrees of Punishment" (1935). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI29282578.
