"A Study of the Struggle to Maintain Religion in Education in Massachus" by C. Andrew Martin Lennon

A Study of the Struggle to Maintain Religion in Education in Massachusetts During the Years 1820-1850

C. Andrew Martin Lennon, Fordham University


The purpose of this study is to give an account of the struggle that was carried on in Massachusetts between the years 1820 and 1850 concerning the religious issue in Education.The vital part played by religion in the development of our early forms of government, as well as in the laws that were enacted, and the recommendations that were made to safeguard the religious nature of education, will be reviewed.The question at issue is this: Was religion in education preserved as the American Ideal? It will be answered by showing the results of the struggle that was waged between the orthodox and liberal members of the Congregational Church in 1820, and the results of the part played by the Unitarians and Horace Mann and later by Irish Catholics in the educational policies of the period.

Subject Area

Educational evaluation|Education Policy

Recommended Citation

Lennon, C. Andrew Martin, "A Study of the Struggle to Maintain Religion in Education in Massachusetts During the Years 1820-1850" (1937). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI29282590.
