Stevenson and the Modern Spirit: A Study in Reaction

Francis X Connolly, Fordham University


Now the point is, apart from the separate but relative question of personality, whether or not Stevenson's art does possess what might be called permanent ideals. Assuming tor the moment that it can be proved that Stevenson did represent permanent ideals, the consideration of the opposite involves another and more significant possibility. It it h held according to modern standards that he is the uninspired artifex, the clever mechanic capable of following only the obvious romantic charts, then we must be prepared to deal with a problem of taste and with the fact and explanation of a definite change in ideals. Here indeed we have the oppor1unity of seizing tangible evidence of the modern mind, that very vague composite, which has made itself the measure of ideals.

Subject Area

Art Criticism

Recommended Citation

Connolly, Francis X, "Stevenson and the Modern Spirit: A Study in Reaction" (1933). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI29282615.
