"Should the Mathematical Content of the High School Be Curtailed?" by Patrick J Shea

Should the Mathematical Content of the High School Be Curtailed?

Patrick J Shea, Fordham University


A— Tendency to vocationalise all branches of knowledge.(a) Universities, (b) High Schools, (c) Elementary schools B— Tendency in mathematics in the High schools. C— Possibility of reducing mathematic syllabus in, (a) Algebra, (b) Geometry, (c) Trigonometry. D— Efforts of some educators to condense mathematics to a minimum. (a) Correspondence schools, (b) Some text-book authors. E— Tittle or no harm done to the Disciplinary aim or to the Cultural aim. F— Some good dons to the Utilitarian aim. Therefore the mathematical content should be reduced in the High school.

Subject Area

Pedagogy|Secondary education|Mathematics

Recommended Citation

Shea, Patrick J, "Should the Mathematical Content of the High School Be Curtailed?" (1925). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI29336587.
