Creating the culture for success in an urban high school

Thelma Boozer Baxter, Fordham University


The failure of many high school students to meet the quality standards imposed by state and local education agencies is a problem that is prevalent in American cities today. With the 21st century fast approaching, this high school failure must be reversed if the United States is to continue as a world leader with a sophisticated work force. High School A became the only New York City high school to be removed from the New York State list of School Under Registration Review in January 1996. This study compared the conditions that existed in the school in 1992 with those present in 1997 to document the systemic changes in the school culture which have contributed to the improvement in student achievement. A case study approach was used for this qualitative research, which examined many facets of a school that comprise its culture, specifically, the roles of principal leadership, professional development, collaborations with businesses, colleges, and civic organizations, and exemplary programs that enhance student achievement and school improvement. To avoid possible researcher bias, a triangulation of document study, focused in-depth interviews, the use of an impartial independent education expert, as well as student and teacher survey were employed. A comparison of student test results from 1992 to 1997 was also completed.

Subject Area

Educational administration|Secondary education

Recommended Citation

Baxter, Thelma Boozer, "Creating the culture for success in an urban high school" (2000). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI3021693.
