"Psychologists’ Perceptions of the Impact of the Collaborative/Therapeu" by Katherine Claire Lantier

Psychologists’ Perceptions of the Impact of the Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment Model on Their Work

Katherine Claire Lantier, Fordham University


Psychologist career satisfaction and burnout, particularly in those populations who do heavy assessment work, is largely understudied. Given mixed feelings throughout the field regarding assessment practices and gaps between supply of practitioners and increasing demand, it is important to understand how assessment practices can be improved for those who use them and undergo them. The collaborative/ therapeutic assessment model, developed by Finn and colleagues, challenges practitioners to frame assessment with a more empathetic and fair perspective that allows psychologists to share power with their clients. This qualitative study explored, with eight participants through semi structured interviews, the process of adopting the c/ta method into practice in hopes to understand whether the model provides benefits to assessors and clients alike. Five themes were drawn from the interviews using phenomenological methods and validity checks. The conclusions that the c/ta model can provide positive personal and professional benefits to assessors, increase equity and fairness of assessment, and subsequently, buffer against feelings of burnout or lack of job satisfaction were made. Study limitations and suggestions for further research were also discussed.

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Recommended Citation

Lantier, Katherine Claire, "Psychologists’ Perceptions of the Impact of the Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment Model on Their Work" (2023). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30243609.
