Crisis Theory: A Conceptual Framework for a Descriptive Case Study of Twenty-Four Cases Referred by the Family Court of Nassau County, New York to the Catholic Charities Court Representative of the Diocese of Rockville Centre From April 1964 to April 1965

Robert Anthony Carone, Fordham University


Today the modern marriage must be expected to withstand numerous situations of stress beginning almost immediately with the vows of marriage itself. With the addition of children, support of the family, changing roles due to sickness or interpersonal conflicts the couple is continually attempting to adjust to these problems with the least amount of personal frustration. In doing so, they must call upon internal and external resources; sometimes these are available, at other times they are not and this may lead to a marital breakdown. As a result some couples finding no success with past solutions will seek a new answer by approaching the Nassau County Family Court of New York State. While faced with crisis of being involved in the court, the couple may be referred to an auxiliary agency for counseling. One such agency would be the Family Service Division of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Rockville Centre.The study of these couples in crisis is of particular interest to this writer who was exposed to the need for providing services to them while placed as a student in the Mineola Office of Catholic Charities from which the cooperative program with the Court is administered.For the purpose of this paper the case study method using only the case records was decided upon since it would give opportunity for describing the inter-relationship of the factors involved, allow for some explanation of the statistics, and show the progress of treatment when it might not be possible to measure the results objectively.

Subject Area

Social work

Recommended Citation

Carone, Robert Anthony, "Crisis Theory: A Conceptual Framework for a Descriptive Case Study of Twenty-Four Cases Referred by the Family Court of Nassau County, New York to the Catholic Charities Court Representative of the Diocese of Rockville Centre From April 1964 to April 1965" (1966). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30308738.
