A Profile of Catholic Charities Family Division of the Archdiocese of New York Regarding Financial Relief Expended by Year and District From 1960-1964

John Kieran, Fordham University


Never in the history of our nation has family life been under such stress and strain as today. Economic and social forces are at work which, while putting in the hands of the family more material resources than at any time in history, are also exerting such influences that parents have difficulty providing their children with the protection, counsel, and support they need to reach their highest potentialities.Family life may be threatened by economic and social forces, by mental or physical limitations, particularly of the parents, or by a combination of environmental and personal factors. The country's current prosperity together with advances in social welfare programs, have reduced the economic hazards for families but have ty no means eliminated them. For instance there are fewer orphans in the United states than in the past, more public provisions to supply income to families with children through ADF and OASI. Yet today, the public provisions to keep families from being broken up solely because of poverty are not sufficient.It goes without saying that families that are better able to deal with the strains of modern living are those which the members are emotionally secure and have the education, vocational skill and economic security. These qualities, however, are particularly lacking in the families known to the public and private social agencies.

Subject Area

Economics|Social work

Recommended Citation

Kieran, John, "A Profile of Catholic Charities Family Division of the Archdiocese of New York Regarding Financial Relief Expended by Year and District From 1960-1964" (1965). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30308742.
