Cabin Fever: A Study of Ten Cases From the Putnam County Community Mental Health Services, New York, 1965

Patricia Immaculata Wolke, Fordham University


Since the organization of the Putnam County Mental Health Services in 1958, it has consistently encountered cases of what it has come to call "cabin fever". This mental health clinic serves all of Putnam County, New York, which has no cities and no large industries although Carmel, the county seat, is only forty-five miles from New York City.In ten years there has been over a 55% increase in population. A great number of these families have moved from urban or heavily populated suburban areas to the predominantly rural non-farm area of Putnam County. With this trend has come an increasing number of mothers of young children seeking help for themselves at the mental health clinic. Confined to their homes, separated from their friends and without means to go out and make new ones, carrying unaccustomed household tasks and assuming the entire burden of rearing the children since their husbands are out of the home the largest portion of the day, it is no wonder that some of these young women contract what might be called "cabin fever".

Subject Area

Psychology|Mental health

Recommended Citation

Wolke, Patricia Immaculata, "Cabin Fever: A Study of Ten Cases From the Putnam County Community Mental Health Services, New York, 1965" (1965). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30308746.
