The Day Treatment Center: A Comparative Study of the Adjustment of Fifteen Trial Visit Patients Who Were in the Day Treatment Center and Fifteen Trial Visit Patients Who Were Not in the Day Treatment Center During the Months of January 1965 to December 1965 at the New York Regional Office of the Veteran's Administration

Linda Lee Crino, Fordham University


The concept of treatment of the mentally ill person has been changing over the years. In our pursuit of progress, we have discarded the chains, opened the locked wards and finally we have established non-residential psychiatric hospitals.During the last two decades attention has been focused on helping the mentally ill patient to leave the hospital setting sooner, and stay in the community longer. Community attitudes about the mentally ill and mental illness have changed. Patients receive a more humanitarian form of treatment while in the hospital; they are no longer fully rejected and maltreated by society, or by the institution. I believe this change in attitude is due in part to the commitment of professional persons: psychiatrists, social workers, and other therapists who work with mentally ill patients and recognize the psycho-social aspects of their problems. The advent of drugs to control psychotic symptoms have made the patient more available to rehabilitation and the community less frightened of the patients' behavior.Important also, is the current focus of attention on an "open door" policy where the mentally ill are concerned, interested professional persons appear to have set community adjustment as a goal for these patients. Whatever the motivations of these professional persons-financial costs of hospitalization or community pressure to do something about the problem-I am not concerned with them. Rather, I am concerned with the opportunities, and benefits that this new focus of attention has for the patients concerned. This focus is after-care and rehabilitation of the patient who has been released from a neuropsychiatrie hospital center.

Subject Area

Psychology|Mental health|Social work

Recommended Citation

Crino, Linda Lee, "The Day Treatment Center: A Comparative Study of the Adjustment of Fifteen Trial Visit Patients Who Were in the Day Treatment Center and Fifteen Trial Visit Patients Who Were Not in the Day Treatment Center During the Months of January 1965 to December 1965 at the New York Regional Office of the Veteran's Administration" (1967). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30308756.
