Unmarried Fathers: A Statistical Comparison of the Extent of Participation in the Planning and Surrender of the Illegitimate Child by Unmarried Fathers and the Husbands of a Surrendering Couple, Known to the Spence Chapin Adoption Service, New York, N.Y., 2963

Karen Ann Moran, Fordham University


The unmarried father has been classified as "the forgotten man." He is epitomized and characterized as a destructive male. His cultural image is that of an uncaring, uninvolved man. This unknown person receives little attention from social agencies which consider him to be a non-responsible agent. The unmarried father is referred to as being "separated" from the situation and of being involved only "incidentally." "The father has been regarded adjunctively; seen only when he presented himself voluntarily and when he was involved through legal procedures, usually for the purposes of financial contribution.Lay and professional people recognize the need to alter their views regarding his "forgotten man." They include him more in casework services; qualifying him as an involved individual, rather than one responsible only for financial support.For this study we have selected 127 closed cases of unmarried fathers and eighteen closed cases of husbands which become known to the Spence Chapin Adoption Service in 1963 and which have been closed, due to surrender of the child. We shall use every case in order to secure unbiased sampling, wherein the natural mother has surrendered her child for adoption, and the unmarried father or husband is, in any way, a participant in influencing the mother’s plans. These cases include unmarried men, also married men living with their wives, and men separated from their wives, and men widowed or men divorced, and also husbands whose wives have borne their children or illegitimate children.

Subject Area

Social work

Recommended Citation

Moran, Karen Ann, "Unmarried Fathers: A Statistical Comparison of the Extent of Participation in the Planning and Surrender of the Illegitimate Child by Unmarried Fathers and the Husbands of a Surrendering Couple, Known to the Spence Chapin Adoption Service, New York, N.Y., 2963" (1965). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30308765.
