Foster Care: Educational Expectations of Lower Class Foster Children as Perceived by Twenty-Six Middle Class Foster Parents, Catholic Home Bureau White Plains District, 1967

Sharon Celeste Ganley, Fordham University


Homeless, dejected, Insecure, anxious and fearful are just a few adjectives that describe the child awaiting placement in a foster home. Frequently these children are not placed voluntarily and carefully, but on an emergency basis as a result of court-ordered removal, based on family disintegration or the development of serious physical or mental ailments in their parents. The placement itself is frequently a drastic and traumatic experience for the child. In addition, child welfare agencies in general and child welfare workers in particular, experience a sense of frustration and confusion in the face of such an apparently hopeless task.

Subject Area

Social work|Educational psychology|Demography

Recommended Citation

Ganley, Sharon Celeste, "Foster Care: Educational Expectations of Lower Class Foster Children as Perceived by Twenty-Six Middle Class Foster Parents, Catholic Home Bureau White Plains District, 1967" (1967). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30359819.
