Investigation of the Use of an Informational Tool to Combat Juvenile Delinquency, New York, 1967

Jean G Marks, Fordham University


This study will deal with a delinquency prevention project sponsored by the New York State Council on Crime and Delinquency; the program and its evaluation will be explained in greater detail in a later portion of this chapter. In the past, as well as in the present, numerous methods have been suggested to handle this complex multi-causal problem. A development of these various theories relating to causation, prevention, and control will be considered in Chapter 11. However, among the preventive approaches advocated is that of educating delinquent and non-delinquent youth in terms of existing laws as well as penalties incurred for their violation. One of the tools used in such an attempt at delinquency prevention is the pamphlet entitled "You And The Law."

Subject Area

Social work|Information science|Education Policy

Recommended Citation

Marks, Jean G, "Investigation of the Use of an Informational Tool to Combat Juvenile Delinquency, New York, 1967" (1967). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30359833.
