P. Vergili Maronis “Aeneidos” liber undecimus with a commentary

Lee Michael Fratantuono, Fordham University


One of the features of modern Virgilian scholarship has been the preparation of commentaries on individual books of the Aeneid. Eduard Norden's 1915 edition of Book 6 was the first volume on a large scale to consider separately one book of the poem. An edition of Virgil's works was planned by Oxford later in the century, with the first half of the Aeneid to be explicated by Roland Austin and Roger Williams and the second half by Christian Fordyce; the deaths of Austin and Fordyce in the autumn of 1974 brought a halt to the project. By then the first five books had been edited, with Austin's Book 6 almost ready for publication and Fordyce's notes on Books 7 and 8 also able to be released (both in 1977). Since then, the desire to prepare commentaries on each book has merged with an interest in studying the second half of the poem more closely. In 1976–7 three editions of Book 8 appeared, and in the last decade several more volumes, especially from Oxford and Cambridge, have addressed the remaining gaps: Harrison's Book 10 (1990), Gransden's Book 11 (1991), Hardie's Book 9 (1994), Horsfall's Book 7 (Leiden, 2000). Richard Tarrant is preparing an edition of Book 12. Regrettably, several of these otherwise excellent volumes have appeared in collections designed primarily for the university undergraduate; the editors have been compelled to abbreviate their comments accordingly. Book 11 in particular has suffered from relatively little critical attention. Yet it is in this book that Virgil lavishes attention on Camilla's cavalry exploits, the great Latin council, and the obsequies for Pallas and the other battle dead. The dissertation will present a fresh text of the poem, not based on any firsthand examination of manuscripts but rather on a study of the editorial tradition of the book; the result is consequently a “new edition.” But the bulk of the thesis will be a full commentary on the book, with special attention paid to the Camilla narrative. Finally, a brief essay on Book 11 and its place in the Aeneid will serve as an introduction to the whole work.

Subject Area

Ancient languages|Classical literature|Classical Studies

Recommended Citation

Fratantuono, Lee Michael, "P. Vergili Maronis “Aeneidos” liber undecimus with a commentary" (2002). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI3045123.
