Gendered City: Women’s Experiences in Urban Public Transportation

Nisa Khurram Hafeez, Fordham University


My thesis focuses on women’s experiences in New York’s subway system. It aims to highlight the ways in which women have – throughout history – grappled with public space with consistent feelings of fears, wariness, and safety. I unravel those experience in my thesis by pointing toward existing literature that contributes to women’s overall struggle with urban spaces and public transportation and use my field observations to explain patterns witnessed in a woman’s usage of public space compared with a man’s. I also observe structures – if any – that might help to curb the inherent feeling of fear and recommend policies to better the system overall.

Subject Area

Transportation|Womens studies|Urban planning

Recommended Citation

Hafeez, Nisa Khurram, "Gendered City: Women’s Experiences in Urban Public Transportation" (2023). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30488036.
