A Survey of East Cambridge (MASS.), Jail and House of Correction: 1920-1950

Marilyn Martha Roch, Fordham University


This is the age of reason. This is the age of intellectual curiosity, with the proper study of mankind taking the form of the most intimate probings of the human mind. The results have been both gratifying and alarming. «Then an entire civilization begins to ask ’why as well as ’what’, that civilization is on its way toward at least a better understanding of itself. That is the greatest merit of the century’s preoccupation with psychology, and its practical application to the various problems which have plagued individuals and societies through all the ages of history. Man can now see himself as the central figure in a living drama which is constantly subjecting him to the influences of environment, background, and pure personality traits, influences toward both good and evil. Man may not always like what he sees ; it is his responsibility and his privilege through this new-found understanding of himself, to recognize these various influences as either constructive or destructive, and then to go ahead and use his knowledge for the betterment of society. The need is great at all levels : in the home, the school, the work-a-day world. But perhaps no single individual is more in need of study and help than the criminal, and no society up to now has been so helpless before him as our own.

Subject Area

Psychology|Social psychology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Roch, Marilyn Martha, "A Survey of East Cambridge (MASS.), Jail and House of Correction: 1920-1950" (1951). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30509516.
