"Social History of the Church of the Master and Morningside Community C" by Franklin Harris Holloway

Social History of the Church of the Master and Morningside Community Center With Emphasis on Present Program and Services: 1938-1950

Franklin Harris Holloway, Fordham University


The writer has for a period of years felt a growing interest in the problems of children - especially the adolescent - and an Increasing desire to work with them in helping them to make adequate adjustment to the community as well as more adequate personal adjustment.It is to be noted too, that since the turn of the century there has been an increasingly broad program devised for the welfare of the child. Indeed, one author, in discussing the increased Interest in child welfare and the increasingly more adequate programs and services for the child, has called this "The Century of the Child."

Subject Area

Developmental psychology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Holloway, Franklin Harris, "Social History of the Church of the Master and Morningside Community Center With Emphasis on Present Program and Services: 1938-1950" (1951). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30509531.
