A Study of the Crippled Children's Clinic and Workshop, 1939-1949, Bridgeport, Connecticut

Barbara Jane Saksa, Fordham University


Down through the years, the crippled child was an individual, who, in many instances, received only the sympathy of his community. Now, however, the story has changed. Today there are numerous services available to help him either be cured of his handicap or make satisfactory adjustment to it. While some of these children were able to receive care from their own private physicians, such treatment and medical care must come from other sources for a large percentage.Treatment programs for crippled children began as early as 1863 when the Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled in New York City started its rehabilitation work. This work was followed in 1866 by the New York Orthopedic Hospital and Dispensary. By 1890, private organizations in Philadelphia and New York were providing hospital treatment and education for the crippled child. The first state supported hospital to give care to crippled children was established in Minnesota in 1897. The state of New York, in 1900, established a State Hospital for the Care of Crippled and Deformed Children. By 1915, hospitals, for the care of this group, were started in Nebraska, Massachusetts and Texas. Provisions were made for surgical and orthopedic treatment as well as convalescent care. This same year, juvenile courts in Iowa were given authority to investigate the condition of any crippled child brought to their attention. If his condition could be improved and parents were unable to pay for necessary care, the l court might pass an order stating that the child should go to the state hospital for care at public expense. This system was later used by many other states.

Subject Area

Developmental psychology|Clinical psychology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Saksa, Barbara Jane, "A Study of the Crippled Children's Clinic and Workshop, 1939-1949, Bridgeport, Connecticut" (1951). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30509543.
